It also offers a digital-game delivery service, called origin, that allows consumers to buy titles directly over the web. 此外,艺电还提供y一个称为“Origin”的数字游戏下载服务平台,使消费者能够在互联网上直接购买、下载各款游戏。
You want your consumers to come back and buy your devices over and over. 企业希望消费者能回来不断地购买自己的产品。
One example Alistair gives is Buy Stocks over the Web, where a purchaser uses a personal finance application that works with a stock broker's Web site to purchase stock. Alistair给出的一个例子是网上的股票购买服务,其中,购买者使用与股票代理的网站协同工作的个人金融应用程序来购买股票。
Beijing is close to announcing new rules to help domestic aircraft manufacturers so they can provide a big slice of the 4,000 aircraft China is expected to buy over the next 20 years, the Shanghai Securities News, an official newspaper, said on Thursday. 官方的《上海证券报》周四表示,北京方面即将宣布扶持国内飞机制造商的相关新法规,使它们能在未来20年里中国预期将购买的4000架飞机中占得更大供应份额。
We are creating clear differentiation for people to buy Jaguar over one of the German brands. 我们正在为人们建立明显的差异化选择,吸引他们购买捷豹而不是哪个德系品牌。
And an attempt this year to buy Yahoo for over forty-seven billion dollars failed. 另外,今年超过470亿美元收购雅虎的行动也未如愿。
You can also buy things from all over the world. 您也可以购买来自世界各地的东西。
You can buy it over a period of time. 你应该可以买下它。
A: It occurs everywhere but is particularly a concern in countries where prescription of antimicrobials is unregulated and where you can buy antibiotics over the counter. 答:它发生在所有地方,但在抗菌素处方不受管制并可在药店随便买到抗生素的国家中尤其引起关注。许多国家都是这种情况,包括中国和印度等人口众多的国家。
You can buy antibiotics over the counter in this country. 在这个国家,没有医生处方你也能买到抗菌素。
They'll buy from us over the slob in the Jaguar s-type. 他们会向我们买东西,而略过那些开s型美洲豹的笨蛋。
Maybe the solution for Mr Huang is to adopt the same strategy used by Legend – that is to buy over an established brand like IBM. 也许黄先生可以采用联想同样的战略&那就是买一个像IBM这样的知名品牌。
In order to get rid of the warts, you can buy over the counter medicine. 为了将疣消除,您可以买些市面上出售的药品。
I would be inclined to buy Brand A over any other brand of casual wear. 和其他便服品牌相比,我倾向购买品牌甲。
They buy over dignitaries as their agents, to slave the Chinese. 他们收买政要作为他们的代理人,向奴隶社会的中国人。
Second, to try to form an alliance with the United States and to buy over Italy, Japan and the countries of northern Europe so as to isolate Germany; 一方面企图联合美国,收买意大利,收买日本,收买北欧各国,使它们站在自己方面,以孤立德国;
For value investors, this effective Buffett discount has been a great reason to buy the shares over the years and profit as the great man continued his seemingly effortless success. 对价值投资者来说,这种实际上的“巴菲特折扣”是一个极好的理由,让他们多年来买入股票,并随着这位伟大的投资者继续取得轻松成功而获利。
He seems to think he can buy us over very cheaply. 他们似乎认为可以轻易地收买我们。
Regardless of the cost, it is usual for people to buy their houses over a period of time. 不管价格多少,通常人们需要一段时间才能够买房子。
Many Africans do not have credit cards or bank accounts, denying them the chance to buy tickets over the internet. 许多非洲人没有信用卡或银行账户,从而没有机会通过互联网购买门票。
Husbands and boyfriends buy over seventy percent of all the flowers bought on Valentine's Day each year. 每年超过70%的鲜花都是让丈夫和男友买走的。
You'll have to buy your ticket over there at the ticket window. 您必须到那边的售票窗口去买。
Those are third-party customers coming into a showroom to buy from all over the world. 批发商是来自世界各地的第三方客户,他们会来到展示厅进行采购。
Now all the things I want are gone, and I have to buy them all over again. 现在要一件没一件,都要重新买。